Repair is a celebration!
Когда начинаются разговоры на тему ремонта, многие думают как быстро, недорого и качественно сделать обновление жилья. There are many issues that need to be solved before starting such an important event. After all, we do not make repairs every year. So think about the following questions.
What exactly do you want to do? Cosmetic repair of apartments and cottages or updating your nest of recognition ..
How much are you ready to invest in, to fulfill your desires and whims? Remember! The amount that you calculated will certainly be more than 50-60 percent.
Will your family holiday be repaired? The arrival of relatives who live “not in the neighboring quarter”, or the anniversary of your beloved grandmother, who, as usual, is celebrated with you, or maybe something better than your beloved daughter. All these events are best held in the room without dust and garbage.
It is necessary to decide on the deadlines of the launched, because it is not pleasant to live for years in “eternal” repair.
And the last: who will perform all the above work? You can do everything yourself and save decently money (though if you can do something from this sphere). Hire acquaintances with whom sometimes you will not pay your whole life. Or the standard option is to hire those who will advise you friends. The advantage is that you already see the level of their skill. If you think over everything, and find an acceptable option, then repair is a real holiday!