Starting to make repairs, many are faced with a problem as aligning the walls. Alignment with special mixtures requires a certain experience. What if you don’t have this. There is a way out, level the walls with drywall. It will be much faster cheaper, and most importantly high quality.
We purchase drywall, metallic, profile, dowel nails and brackets for fastening metal profile. When everything is ready, you can start the alignment process. First we need to fix the metal profile on the floor of the ceiling and opposite walls. If there is no level, then you can use the plumb line. The profile is attached to the dowel of nails, making holes with a diameter equal to the filler of the dowel of the nail.
And so the profile was fixed, now we measure 60 centimeters from the side wall and draw a line from the ceiling perpendicular to the floor, then another 60 centimeters and another line and so to the opposite wall. Then we fasten the brackets along these lines, these are such metal plates with holes. To them we will attach perpendicular racks from the profile. Next, we make racks from it, resting them on the floor and ceiling opposite the fasteners, which we bend to the ends of the profile and fasten the metal screws on the metal.
We got a light profile frame. Here to him then – we will fix the sheets of drywall. We attach sheets to the frame and fasten them on metal screws. After fixing drywall on the frame, we get a perfectly flat wall. It remains only to put the joints and places of fastening. The entire wall is completely leveled.