When a person learns more and more about the world around him, he accumulates more and more in himself, more, more information. When you get some new information, you definitely expand your horizons.
After you pass the computer science exam, you are most likely waiting for the results, you are in a state of some kind of certainty, since you have no idea what an assessment for your work. And after you get the “test”, you get information.
What is the measure of computer information. If in the case with the exam, then you measure information uncertainty in variables, namely, “offset” and “non -performance”. And here everything is completely different.
In computer science there is a special formula that, as it were, connects the number of messages (information) – N, as well as the number of information I, and due to them, they carry some value (n = 2 to degree I)
Information information is customary to express in the values. That is, you need units of measurement. In computer technology, the smallest unit in which the information is measured is a bit. The next information unit of measurement of information itself is byte.
1 byte is 8 bits
The following kilobytes (1024 bytes) next in line)
Then there are megabytes (1024 kilobytes)
After megabytes are gigabytes (1024 megabytes)
And of course Trabait (1024 gigabytes)
That’s in general that and all that everyone needs to know about information meters