A distinctive feature of the vinyl floor is that it turns out to be quite soft. Thanks to this, it is incredibly convenient to walk on it, which in the case of other flooring is usually not observed. There are two forms of release of this material. In particular, the vinyl floor can be tile or roll.
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The first is perfect if the shape of the room in which the repair needs to be carried out is non -standard. Then the roll material is quite difficult to lay down. But with the help of tiles, any complex areas are quite simple. If you use a roll of such a coating, then it will have to be cut a lot.
It is also useful for the properties of the floor of vinyl tiles as good depreciation. Thanks to it, you do not need to be afraid for the safety of objects that fall on such a floor surface. The likelihood that they will break is quite small. The only difficulty is that the floor from a sharp blow can be damaged.
To lay vinyl on the floor, you need to use PVA glue. With it, the material is glued quite simple and reliable. The most successful solution is the use of materials of neutral shades, since they look most presentable. Especially in comparison with bright coating options.